What do their Poetry Dog Tags say?
01. Regie Cabico
"the spicy man naked voluptuous sloppy taste skin sparkle razor perfect reveal morning spirit sun"
More on Regie
02. Mayda Del Valle
"You touch me reveal truth on my skin as if a naked night never end"
More on Mayda.
03. Felice Belle
"imagine beauty beyond these crimson blues"
More on Felice.
04. Courtney Martin
"Our perfect morning Serious razor machine Any naked button"
More on Courtney.
05. Jennifer Murphy
"She said men want our sweet morning rush hour" and "He says he wants my sweet morning sun"
06. Kirk Nugent
"Meditate on spirit and passion"
More on Kirk
07. Steve Donaldson
"Desire Good Fruit"
08. Anthony Morales
"strange / rain / old / wretched / omen"
More on Anthony
09. Gabrielle Napolitano-Swift
"Ghetto diva forever"
10. Syreeta McFadden
"Split truth of twisted word" and "Split word of twisted truth"
More on Syreeta
11. Cathy Collins
"Breezy Diva"
12. John Fonte
"Work Together"
13. Tamika Ortiz
"I am fruit of the Ghetto/Existence is inside me"
14. Mary Jane DeLeon
"Heaven is beyond me"
15. Angeline Jacobs
"I desire truth beyond attitude"
16. Jody Berenblatt
"Live Our Passion"
17. Susi Schropp
"Under so perfect twisted/Happy oral morning boy/Delicious fingerprints passion"
More on Susi
18. Selena Jacobson
"Imagine heaven in your heart"
19. Charity Cabico
"Get Here With Men"
20. Michael Barrish
"My Sloppy Breath/Our sweet and spicy morning/So wicked perfect."
21. Gaston
"The ghetto is my muse why move?"
Gaston hosts a monthly hiphop event, along with Wiseguy. See Nuyorican Poets Cafe for more.
22. Rocky LaMontagne
Rocky is a hiphop producer and promoter that worked at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe for a long time. More about Rocky.
Chris Martin
"Old photographs eyes/On a little gloomy billions/Did you split heaven?"
"For some it is a hard thing to see beyond my dark skin"
See Nuyorican Poets Cafe/HipHop Page for more.
Poets & Friends Poetry Dog Tags Photo Album>
Wearin' it & sharin' it!
People use Poetry Dog Tags in the most original ways! This is one of my favorite photos and it was sent to me by Dorothy Turay, a poet and artist from Chicago. In this picture, her Dog Tags say "Hear my hurt as I weep"

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