This is a short list of some very independent thinkers, from many disciplines, who have managed to change the way we think about our world. You may not realize it, but each one of these people impacted something we see or touch everyday.

Angeles Arrien
Angeles Arrien is a cultural anthropologist, award winning author and President for the Angeles Arrien Cross-cultural Foundation for Education and Research which honors the preservation of indigenous wisdom.

Dana Atchley
Dana Atchley has been called the Father of Digital Storytelling (among other things, like "creative visionary"). He saw the intersection between our humanity and new media, probably before anyone else did. A truly important modern artist. We lost him in 2000 but his work carries on.

Ralph Bakshi
Bakshi pioneered some of the first animation in film made for adults.

Joseph Campbell
Bill Moyers made Campbell a household name with the PBS series "The Power of Myth" in 1988. George Lucas cites Campbell as the inspiration behind "Star Wars"; Joe's ceaseless study brought countless minds to new frontiers of cross-cultural thought in many disciplines.

Noam Chomsky
One of America's most prominent political dissidents, he has dissected everything from human rights to corporate propaganda. Truly brilliant and brave, if you don't know him, you certainly should.

Charles and Rae Eames
The Powers of 10 site:
There seems like an entire culture was created around this concept. Check it out!

The Eames Office
The continuing legacy of their work today.

Buckminster Fuller
One of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century, bar none.

See The American Masters Series: "Thinking Out Loud"
(Also tells you how to get the video.)

The Guerilla Girls
What would the visual world have done without them? This site is not restricted to females...

Richard Linklater
Home of the director of "Waking Life", which was nothing like we've seen before!

Marshall McLuhan
Born in 1911, the man coined the phrase "global village" and who said "the future of the book is the blurb" was the quintessential modern media observer. The official site of this cultural icon

The LINKS page on this website is an inclusive resource for all things McLuhan.

Eadward Muybridge
They call him the "Father of Motion Pictures".
His story on Photo

Muybridge resources on Masters of Photography site:

Science or Art– or Both? Virtual National Museum of American History explores Muybridge's photography:

Godfrey Reggio
Reggio created a film style over 20 years ago that has influenced experimental and mainstream film ever since. He was the visual mind of the Qatsi trilogy, beginning with Koyanisqatsi, with music by Philip Glass.

Kurt Schwitters
We like to think of him as the first multi-talented graphic designer. He created environmental installations and made some of the first art from garbage.

Edward Tufte
A "scientist" of information. Every information designer needs to know who he is. Enough said.

Howard Zinn
Sorry, but if you're not already familiar with "A People's History of the United States" or Zinn's lifetime dedication to social justice, then you are seriously media challenged.

Go to his site and please make sure you see the documentary film "You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train" made in 2004 about his life.